Guest article: "Truth be told: political propaganda for colonial imperialist agendas"

Guest post by Maisoon Rice (listen to her on Truth Jihad Radio)

He who is not angry when there is just cause for anger is immoral. Why? Because anger looks to the good of justice. And if you can live amid injustice without anger, you are immoral as well as unjust." Aquinas

In the 21st Century, Man has progressed scientifically, medically, and technologically in the hope it will benefit the Masses.
However, we beg the question, has Man made any advances morally and ethically? Have we learnt from our past mistakes? Sadly, it appears not, as we have learnt nothing, as we witness incessant wars being waged worldwide, exploitation on a grand scale, with the same colonial and imperialist mindset- to oppress, suppress and control the resources of, and  for political strategic reasons, the indigenous Peoples their State sanctioned military dare to invade occupy and intimidate. 
"Once weapons were manufactured to fight wars. Now wars are manufactured to sell weapons" ~ Arundhati Roy
Alas, with progress has also come military advancement with the very latest Weaponry , weapons of mass destruction, [WMDS], that can only be described today as lethal, Weaponry that inflicts Massive Death and destruction in its deadly path-  inflicting a Holocaust in its true definition-why else do Governments need them as WMDS are never beneficent. Is it really all for this insatiable craving and lust for power and world domination:
"We will have a world government whether you like it or not. The only question is whether that government will be achieved by conquest or consent." (Jewish Banker Paul Warburg, February 17, 1950, as he testified before the U.S. Senate). 
The world today tragically, has seen the predominantly Muslim Nations turned into what can best be described as a living cemetery, a grave yard for its People,, dead dying, maimed, paraplegics, tortured and traumatized souls, as the West with its military advancement and ‘prowess’, bombs them to smithereens and arms their despotic installed puppet Rulers with an arsenal that continues to allow them to rule the traumatized masses with an iron fist.
Today as never before in their history Americans are enthralled with military power. The global military supremacy that the United States presently enjoys--and is bent on perpetuating--has become central to our national identity. More than America's matchless material abundance or even the effusions of its pop culture, the nation's arsenal of high-tech weaponry and the soldiers who employ that arsenal have come to signify who we are and what we stand for. --Andrew Bacevich in The New American Militarism 
Under the false pretext of an Islamic Terrorist attack on the USA in 2001, the Israeli and Zionist controlled United States of America has managed to turn Afghanistan and then Iraq into a hell hole, where the deaths of the indigenous Peoples has been shoved under the blood stained carpet, never to be counted and only unmercifully deemed as acceptable ‘collateral’ damage, insignificant, expendable and meaningless to the goals of these 21st Century Colonial Tyrants.  No one held to account as we see a whitewash with the useless Chilcot Enquiry that should have sent Tony Blair and Associates to the ICC for War crimes against Humanity. But Tony Blair, like Hillary Clinton, is shielded by his Handlers, his Corporate /Banking Controllers
The same bloodshed is now also being waged on Yemen and Syria where not only Fighter jets, drones but also  the Mercenary Human Killing machines, the Private Terrorist Armies  are being utilized, such as the West’s Human Art of Weaponry, namely Al Qaeda, ISIS, Daesh/IS Terrorist Machine. 
Even the cost to their own soldiers is dismissed because these military Pawns serving Foreign Policy are doing their Patriotic duty and ‘defending their country from attack. 
“Military men are dumb, stupid animals to be used as pawns for foreign policy.” H.K. Oil is much too important a commodity to be left in the hands of the Arabs.”[ Jewish Zionist war criminal Heinz Kissinger]

Yet we have not seen any Muslim Nation State physically attack the USA or in fact any other Western White Judeo Christian country.
What we do see is death with families losing loved ones on a daily scale throughout occupied Palestine, Lebanon, Afghanistan, Iraq, Yemen, Sudan/Somalia, Pakistan and Libya and Syria. Then we must also add the deaths of peaceful demonstrators at the “Islamic and Arab Awakening’ Revolutions that spread across the Middle East. These deaths, such as in Bahrain, Egypt, Tunisia and Yemen, though carried out by their despotic Rulers, nonetheless have a hidden Hand, Zionist and Imperialist in nature, for the glory of the Talmudic Eretz Israeli Empire which they want to expand far beyond the Nile to the Euphrates boundaries.
We Jews, we are the destroyers and will remain the destroyers. Nothing you can do will meet our demands and needs. We will forever destroy because we want a world of our own." (You Gentiles, by Jewish Author Maurice Samuels, p. 155). 
Getting to the truth behind these deadly conflicts can appear elusive and not  reported fairly, with proper journalistic  investigative integrity within the West’s Mainstream media which is dominated 100% by Judeo Zionist propaganda, that muzzles the truth and obviates reality, instead presenting its blind and uneducated/ignorant  and to an extent, racist Public with indoctrination and distortions that also cause mistrust, fear and incites hatred and unadulterated racism against the targeted Muslim Diaspora. They knowingly and willingly, feed their venom, through their bought politicians and Media outlets, to the mind controlled “sheeple’ where alarmingly, Islamophobia has reached a dangerous level, comparable to the hype deliberately planned and generated by World Zionist Jewry during the infamous Nazi era. Infiltration into the neo Nazi, White Supremacist Groups throughout Western Nations has been a great success for the Zionists, thus ensuring their own safety and power, diverting all the racism and hatred against the Islamic world and its’ oppressed People.
The war drums on behalf of Eretz Israel continue to beat incessantly and impatiently as their Oded Yinon agenda is near fruition, having destroyed Iraq, Libya and Syria and installed their Zionist in power in Egypt. They still as yet have to complete their take over of all of  Palestine and their unfinished business with Iran that has remained a thorn in the flesh of the Israeli Beast, along with their revenge upon Lebanon's Resistance Movement, Hezbollah which  bravely and successfully threw out the before perceived invincible Israeli forces and freed Lebanon from Israeli Occupation.
What we are all witnessing are a variety of distractions to pre occupy the Western Communities [the phony US democratic elections, Black Lives matter, endless shootings in the USA, Brexit, False flag attacks in Europe and the  engineered refugee  crisis, whilst the Israeli Beast  covertly continues on its bestial way to ethnically cleanse Arabs and Muslim from their own ancestral homeland,  through its  so called war on terror which in reality is their war of terror not only on Arabs but Islam itself, to expand Jewish Settlements in order to pave the way for a Jewish aliyah, a mass exodus of western Jews into what will be Eretz Israeli Empire from the length and breadth of the Nile to the Euphrates from whence  the self declared Exclusive Jewish State will rule the world from their Pagan Temple* so generously funded by the creator of Israel, the Rothschild Masonic Clan and Banking Empire whose throne will be seated in occupied Jerusalem but whose empire will incorporate Western countries and their bought Governments and leaders across our world.
Why is it that the following words are never permitted to be applied to the citizens of the Arab and Islamic Nations?? Are they not also Human Beings who have as much rights as the next Man:

"All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood." - Universal Declaration of Human Rights (U.N. Article 1.10 December 1948) 

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