In some ways, Alex is a genius. He figured out 9/11 was an inside job before it even happened.
Me, I'm a slow learner. It took me two years to be sure.
Alex is also a genius of an orator, like William Jennings Bryan on bad acid. He doesn't just talk your socks off, he talks your socks into ripping themselves off your feet and fleeing in terror from the coming New World Order dictatorship with its billions of hollow-point bullets, techno-torture machines, and Haliburton death camps.
Unlike me, Alex doesn't let his radio guests talk much. But that's okay, because Alex is such a talented ranter that you have to keep listening in terrified fascination.
The best thing about Alex is that he covers all kinds of critically important stories that the mainstream media covers up - 9/11, political assassinations, the evils of empire, the shredding of the Constitution, the bankster plan for a New World Order global dictatorship. His heart is always in the right place, and his mind usually is too.
But not always.
Alex raised some eyebrows when he told us who REALLY runs Hollywood: The Arabs! That's why they give us so many movies with Arab and Muslim villains - because they WANT us to hate them and smash their countries and murder millions of them on behalf of Israel!
Alex is notorious for going easy on Zionism. If he didn't, maybe the JDL would take him out? Maybe you just aren't allowed to tell the truth about Zionism if you have millions of listeners?
But the when you google "Infowars Chavez assassinated" two of the top three stories are insane anti-Chavez rants by Mike Adams.
Mike Adams says Hugo Chavez was "socialist." So Mike, you want the oil majors (owned by the New World Order Zionist banksters) to steal all the oil from Venezuela and let the Venezuelan people rot in poverty?! That's why they killed Chavez, says Greg Palast.
I guess it's "socialism" to argue that a finite natural resource like oil shouldn't just be owned by a handful of NWO banking families, who use their oil profits to build the global dictatorship you're always ranting against.
I guess it's "socialism" to say that some of that oil wealth should be used for education and infrastructure and medical care for people who would be dirt-poor otherwise.
If that's the case, anyone with a grain of common sense is a "socialist."
Which makes you an idiot.
And it makes Alex a partial idiot for trumpeting your idiocy to the world.