Just minutes after an apparent false-flag is the best time to spread the word! |
George W. Bush said his job was to "catapult the propaganda."
My job is to catapult the counter-narrative.
The basic building blocks of human thought, and human society, are narratives - stories with emotional associations. In short, storytellers rule the world.
Karl Rove knows that. He snickers at the childish delusions of the "reality-based community," and brags:
"We're an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality. And
while you're studying that reality—judiciously, as you will—we'll act
again, creating other new realities, which you can study too, and that's
how things will sort out. We're history's actors…and you, all of you,
will be left to just study what we do."
Yesterday, "history's actors" sent a mind-controlled killer into an elementary school. This despicable act, like virtually all other large-scale terror operations, was designed to "catapult the propaganda." The narrative: "Lone nut commits random act of terror!" The message: "Be afraid! Obey authority! Feel helpless! Feel despair! Lose faith! Take a dim view of human nature! Empower reactionary, authoritarian forces! Give up liberty for security!"
I am not content to just "study what they do." So I'm not going to wait and try to sort out whether this might actually be a freak lone nut attack, rather than the usual false-flag stuff.
I am at war with them. I'm going to act pre-emptively.
I'm going to catapult the counter-narrative.
That's why, within an hour of the news of the Newtown School massacre, I posted my contribution towards putting the event in historical context:
I did the same thing within a few hours of the news of the alleged assassination of Bin Laden:
Today, with millions or even billions of people reacting to breaking news in real time, whoever gets their version of the story out there first is going to prevail in shaping popular opinion.
The bad guys know that. That's why they had "Harley Guy" ready to read the official 9/11 script just minutes after the demolitions. And that's why they were in such a hurry to feed the BBC a script purporting to explain the "collapse" of World Trade Center Building 7 - a script that was accidentally read on camera twenty minutes BEFORE the actual demolition!
Today, a whole army of info-warriors is ready to "catapult the counter-narrative" in the event of a major false flag event (and we must assume that any major "terror" event is false-flag).
That means that if the bad guys want to try anything as big as 9/11 or bigger, they're going to have to take down the internet. Hence the likelihood of a "cyber-9/11" in which "radical terrorists" or "Iran" or "dangerous anarchist hackers" will be falsely blamed for taking down the internet.
We need to be prepared.
What are YOU going to do when the cyber-9/11 comes?
I know what I'm going to do! I'm going to go "freeway blogging" with INSIDE JOB signs.
If you don't have these signs, you just aren't ready for what's coming.
I still have a couple of rolls worth of INSIDE JOB signs. (More than ten rolls - thousands of signs - have already been distributed.)
If you'd like one, go to TruthJihad.com and paypal ten bucks using the button at the top of page.
Or paypal twenty bucks for three signs attached together - a very visible statement indeed!
As the Boy Scouts always say: BE PREPARED!
Just having one of these easy-to-store signs in your closet helps deter the bad guys! |
Labels: catapult the propaganda, counter-narrative, cyber 9/11, false flag, george bush, inside job, Karl Rove, newtown school, operation gladio, plastic roll banners, reality-based community, strategy of tension