During his appearance on my radio show last week, Richard Gage of Architects and Engineeers for 9/11 Truth urged my listeners to hold local press conferences in support of today's big AE911truth event in San Francisco. My response: "Okay, Richard, you talked me into it."
Twelve of us met at 11 a.m. today in beautiful first-floor rotunda of the state capitol, where degreed architect and AE911truth board member Tom Spellman read the AE911truth prepared statement citing overwhelming evidence that the three WTC skyscrapers were demolished with explosives, and demanding an investigation of these events as well as a grand jury investigation of the NIST cover-up. Unfortunately no "professional" media showed up, even though two separate press releases had been sent to all local media outlets. The independent media was there, however, in the form of Mark and Josh of We Are Change Oshkosh among others.
Following the event in the capitol, we walked across the street to Senator Herb Kohl's office and met with Senator Kohl's assistant Ryan Knocke for almost half an hour. Knocke appeared intensely interested as we summarized the evidence for controlled demolition and explained why, under the Misprision of Treason statute, all of us (now including Mr. Knocke himself as well as Senator Kohl) were obliged to report evidence of treason to the relevant authorities. Knocke seemed especially moved when he heard from Josh, a veteran who still suffers from an injury he sustained while serving in Afghanistan in 2002. Knocke asked me for the contact information of architects and engineers in Wisconsin who had signed the petition, which I supplied in an email a few hours later, reading in part:
Dear Ryan Knocke,
Thank you for meeting with us and accepting the petition, on behalf of Senator Kohl, signed by more than 1,000 architects and engineers calling for a new investigation of the apparent controlled demolition of the three WTC skyscrapers on 9/11...
As a Ph.D. Arabist and expert on Islam and the Middle East who has spent the past five years researching 9/11 and related issues, I am convinced that the Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth petition offers Sen. Kohl the opportunity to do something truly heroic in service to his country. I hope he will look at this information with an open mind and consider taking that step, which would assure him a prominent and honorable place in future history books.
Thank you,
Dr. Kevin Barrett
After the meeting with Senator Kohl's representative, we continued to the office of Rep. Tammy Baldwin, which unfortunately was closed this week, and slipped the petition under the door along with our contact information and a "we will contact you later" note.
Here are some photos:
Tom Spellman reads the prepared statement in the middle of the capitol rotunda.

Getting ready to head for Senator Kohl's office.
Tom explains the situation to Ryan Knocke, Senator Kohl's assistant.
Sen. Kohl's assistant Ryan Knocke examines evidence of treason presented by Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth and signed by more than 1000 architects and engineers.
Tom, slipping the AE911truth.org petition under Rep. Tammy Baldwin's door.