The honey badger, they say, attacks by going for the genitals of its foe. Somebody must have hired a couple of those nasty little beasts to serve as Calgary police officers.
During our recent interview (listen to the archive at http://www.noliesradio.org) Splitting-the-Sky said the cops bashed in his testicles after he was arrested for trying to arrest George W. Bush. The brutal assault came while he was while he was being held helpless in jail, after they had already broken his glasses and given him a concussion during the arrest, even though he wasn't fighting or resisting.
Adding insult to injury, the mainstream media won't cover the Splitting-the-Sky arrest story. Please circulate the videos everywhere:
Splitting-the-Sky will be invoking a civil resistance defense, arguing that it is war criminal Bush and the cops guarding him -- not a citizen trying to uphold international law -- who should have been arrested. This defense will allow Splitting-the-Sky to turn the tables and put Bush on trial for war crimes. This is a high-stakes, big-risk vs. big-reward move! Those honey-badger cops couldn't have found a bigger set of cojones to bash.
Please contribute to Splitting-the-Sky's defense.
To contribute, call: 1-403-668-0598 (also to arrange interviews)
And you can send checks or money orders (Canada and USA only) to:
John Boncore (name on checks)
PO Box # 1492
Chase, BC